Great Horned Owlet

I'm still reveling about this Easter morning basket, I mean nest. I saw and photographed this owlet and wondered, is this a Barred Owl or Great Horned Owl?

And then the adult popped up. The "ear" tufts on the adult confirmed a Great Horned Owl.

I noticed that they were as curious about me as I was of them. Keeping the ABA Code of Birding Ethics in mind, I walked quietly and slowly, took photos from a distance, and did not stay long. 

Then they took a nap. (Oh, good. I'm not a threat.)

I left feeling elated and lucky.

I hear a Great Horned Owl many early mornings and know it by its call (who-who-who-whooooo), yet have not had a sighting since moving back to Bradenton four years ago. "Owls are almost invisible to us, and their presence is easy to miss, except when they happen to be vocal." (Bernd Heinrich) 

Making an acquaintance with a wild baby owl and its protective parent is a gift.

This nest is not in Wildewood Springs, but nearby. 

Sighting, 4/1/18; 2:10 PM. Bradenton, FL.