Hot-Pink, Feathered Spoonbill Roseate Naps

I'm posting these photos while thinking of my neighbor and friend, Betty Pander. She is a Spoonbill enthusiast. We text each other about sightings and to offer a nudge to head outside to see a wildlife neighbor hanging out. 

Like this hot pink beauty.

This is a returning Spoonbill Roseate. Notice its tag in the first photo. (I've posted another visit HERE.)

I'm grateful it likes to take naps in view of my lens. 

This photo makes me think for a quick second that Spoonbill returns my curiosity. That gesture. Oh, and since you're looking, notice the location of its nostrils. That makes it easier to breathe while its bill is plunged underwater while feeding.

I wonder what it might say looking at my birding hat. Maybe something like, "What's that funny nest on your head?" 

Spoonbill looks skyward. I wonder if it's time to fly. 

Yes, soon after that last photo, it stretched. 

And then flapped upward. Oh, such loveliness.

This post is for you, Betty.

Interested in some facts about Spoonbills? HERE is a post by the St. Louis Zoo that is fun to read.