I sat by the pond edge listening to this male Cardinal's call. It looked like his whole body lifted into song, a loop of love over and over and over. I thought of a dear friend with a medical challenge who continues to heal. There are so many people who love her that join in a similar song of spring's hope and new beginnings. And even those who don't know all that there is to love about her, well, they sing with us, too.
On my walk home, I saw a Brown Thrasher.
A Tufted Titmouse demonstrating the art of hanging from Spanish Moss, then poking around for insects in a Sabal Palm.
A Palm Warbler so fast that I was certain I would not be able to show you. But then look here. That's one for giving up certainty. When I showed my birding pals this photo, they were uncertain if the warbler was a Palm or a Yellow-throated.
So, I sent a lucky-for-me second photo! Quick as a click, the expert said, "See that rusty crown?" I did, which means this is a Palm Warbler.
In case you need to be reminded its spring, here is a crow gathering nesting material.
A Red-Bellied Woodpecker on a precious dead trunk left for the purpose of habitat for woodpeckers' food and nesting. Some villages in Wildewood allow this in the wilder areas.
And a Peninsula Cooter Turtle saying hello to a Glossy Ibis.
Last photo. A double take for me. How is this possible? A Great Egret walking on top of a tall bush. Would you call this a miracle?