Barred Owl - scouting out the nesting box?

Barred Owl, November 2020. I took this photo in the Pineneedle Village area.

Betsy sent a text a few evenings ago. She and her husband Jim were on a walk:

"We are so excited!! We saw the owl a few minutes ago!!!" 

Then a second text: "[It was] sitting on the branch that comes out on the right a little over the road towards the entrance to Pineneedle. [Owl] looked at us for a while and then flew over our heads into the berm [on the other side of the road]."

They didn't have their camera or phone so no photo. 

It might be the Barred Owl I regularly see in that area. Perhaps it's looking for a partner and will find the community's nesting box this season.

If any neighbors hear or see an owl, send a message.

Neighbor John Ganis took this photo of a Barred Owl earlier this year in the same area using his iPhone.