Lavendar scallops - a fascinating bloom!


This is a Lavender scallops (bryophyllum fedtschnkoi) bloom! Over the weekend there were high winds, and the 2-foot tall flower stalk broke. What a stunning display in our home. 

Perhaps you know this plant as Grey sedum, Kalanchoe stonecrop, South American air plant, or Variegated kalanchoe.

Lavender scallops is a member of the kalanchoe genus of perennial, succulent plants. Originally endemic to the island of Madagascar, this plant is found in nurseries in states such as Texas, California, Texas, and Florida. 

This species is monocarpic - that means that it flowers and sets seeds only once in its lifetime. And then the mother plant dies (All About Gardening). That makes this bouquet additionally precious. There are several others like it in the butterfly garden, likely propagated by falling plantlets from its leaf edge.