Blue Heron, Turkey Vulture, Canada Goose notice two otters

I heard bird calls and went outside. I noticed who was noticing. A Blue Heron perched at the top of a tree near the pond.

A curious Turkey Vulture.

Oh, and the geese. In, then out of the pond in a flash.

What is going on? 

Otter (affectionately called Ollie by neighbor, Betty) brought a friend home. And were they active! Here a blurry photo. But, you get the picture. 

Back and forth across the yard. 

A tussle. My, what big teeth you have.

The geese watched their antics and chase. 

And their dives into and climbs out of the pond.

Then, oh. Interest in being watched.

A goose has something to say about this.

Off the two geese closest to the otters go. 

And off the otters go into the water.

The geese calls seem to be a message. Or beckon. The geese on a bank nearby leave, too. One, then the others followed.

Their flight looks like musical notes in the wires singing a spring song about something that just happened. I'm glad I was there. (I noticed that neighbors Betty and Selma were there, too.)

Photographed on Sunday, March 1, 2020.