There is a new family member: Urshela. She is 8-year-old grandson Gavin's pet hamster named after a New York Yankee baseball player. Here is a photo of Gavin showing how to hold Urshela.
So, 12 days ago, my cell rang. My daughter was calling, but when I said hello, it was Gavin. He said, "Grammie, are you still good with your stitches" implying - do I still sew? He wondered if I'd sew a Christmas stocking for Urshela.
Someone said, "Oh, just buy a little stocking. It's only a hamster!" But I had a glimpse from Gavin's view. He loves this sweet hamster and regards her in the same way he regards me, as a friend and companion. We decided that this stocking will be for Urshela and all pets to come, and wildlife - as a way to extend care and kind regard to all life.
It's finished! Gavin said it was good timing because Urshela was not feeling well (a trip to the vet is scheduled).
I told him and his brother Dylan about the neighborhood Coyote and showed them the recent photograph I had taken.
Then Gavin asked what Coyote eats, and I told him, mostly vermin.
There was a big pause. "You mean mice?" I nodded, adding that Coyote's favorite food is the rat.
He realized that Coyote eats creatures like hamsters. That disturbed Gavin, and I wondered what I could say. Gavin knows about the cycle of life, so I decided to stay away from defending death or Coyote.
Then Terry, Grandpa, came up with a workable response.
"What if we remain curious about this?" Curious about the needs of Coyote and other animals. Curious about how to live with wildlife. Curious about how to remain safe in a way that also allows safety for Coyote. Curious about how to live with the idea of not having to get rid of a creature.
That interrupted worry.
Gavin and Dylan decided it was a good time to write aspirations. Each one was written on a strip of colored paper, folded, and placed inside the stocking.
Santa will be delighted.
"Let Urshela be healthy."
"Enough berries for birds and flowers for butterflies."
"May snakes slither freely."
"May the Coyote find food at night."
"Let all the dogs in the neighborhood be safe."
"Let the water in the pond be clean for the otters."
"I hope Urshela lives a long and happy life."
"Urshela, please do live a happy life and do not die tomorrow."
"I have hope that peace around the world will come true."
"I hope that Urshela feels better soon."
"I hope Urshela has enough."
"I hope Urshela does not get eaten by a monstrosity."
"May all animals and people get along."
UPDATE: Urshela died on Christmas Day, 2022, just a few months after she joined our family.