Light, shadows, and a return of fall farmer

"Come look, Susan! Fall Farmer is here." My husband Terry was referring to a returning shadow on Woodlawn buildings. (From our view), the sun is lower on the southern horizon at this time of year. The light mixes with the tree trunks and Resurrection Fern to cast this shadow. 

I head outside to notice light and other shadows.

A Slash Pine on the building and a brown squirrel on its edge.

A leap. What distance!

Butterfly garden, about 7 AM.

Butterfly garden, @8 AM.

Shadows on Fish Crow.

Morning sunshine casts shadows on a Broad-winged Hawk. How do I know? I had to ask for help. After considering size and shape, birder Gail added: "no banding in secondaries, deep distal tail band, thicker bands above".

Light asks, "What is real?" Wood Stork and Great Egret are busy answering that question.

These are photographs of the light and its effects in our home. Terry took these photographs.

Last. One of my favorites. A photo taken 
from his chair looking out our Pineneedle window, October 2020.