Eggs! Tom has an egg update

May 3, 2022

A few days ago, Thomas Couillard sent this photo showing 3 new Yellow-Crowned Night Heron chicks have hatched in one of the nests in our neighborhood (halves of the 3 eggs shown). 

He reminds us to mark our calendars for 6 weeks from now when the chicks grow into fledges and start playing - and frighten us with hopping all over the nest. What?! Look here

Sometimes falls happen from activity or the way nature works things out. (From a couple years ago - this chick was rushed to Wildlife, Inc., a wildlife rehab and release organization.)

Tom also shared this surprise. At 6:30 AM while he was swimming at the lap pool, a duck laid an egg on its edge. This is not an embellished story - look!

Yellow-crowned Night Herons lay their eggs in nests they build high in Slash Pine trees. The (p)layer in this case looks like a Mallard hen.