Solitary Sandpiper, Hurricane Ian, storm surge - Wildewood 22' above sea level

Solitary Sandpiper, September 24, 2022, Behind Pineneedle

A new bird for me in the Wildewood neighborhood - a Solitary Sandpiper!  I photographed it on the edge of the pond. It walks with a teeter-toter gait - my first ID clue. 

With storm Ian still a few days away, we're encouraged to have our hurricane plan in order. For us, we listen to Levi Cowan's Tropical Tidbits updates as well as our local Manatee County advisories for evacuation orders.

Here is a past post about Wildewood and hurricane flooding, insurance. Wildewood is 22 feet about sea level in the green or 4th zone. A CERA storm surge level map is available here. Click on the "+" to enlarge to our street. So far, we are above effects from storm surge. Here is a screen grab.