Tri-colored heron
Birds are feasting at the big pond!A front passed through and it's breezy and cool. Here is the weather (from the forecast link in the sidebar).
When this happens, birds visit the large pond in numbers. I heard their delighted calls before I saw them.
Here is what made me pause. A Fish Crow's call.
And a lot of geese.
Then, the geese took flight. What is that about, I wondered.
(Look at this Florida fall color.)
I scanned the sky.
This bird landed at the top of a Norfolk pine. An American Bald Eagle!
Great Egrets
A Florida Southern Softback turtle poked its head up to check out the action.
Lesser Scaups were in the middle of the pond away from the other birds.
Pied Bill Grebe
So many feathered visitors today.
Saturday, November 16, 2019