Wood Stork just before a downpour

Wood Stork, out our window. Just before a heavy rain.

Stork remained standing through the rain.

Meditation teachers suggest sitting silently with yourself to get to know your mind/heart: spine loosely straight, feet (or seat) grounded, gentle gaze. Some helpful words could be:

Relax as much as you can without trying to change anything.

Feeling anxious, distracted, unsettled? Not a problem. Just let it be what it is. Feel whatever you're feeling with heart.

Might feel comfortable, no problem. Might feel uncomfortable, no problem. Just let it be what it is just as it is, not trying to change anything.

Let yourself be as you are.

How is your mind? You might like it. You might not like it. Doesn't matter. Just let it be as it is without changing.

Just be kind and allow. Whatever is arising, just open tender awareness.

This Wood Stork reminds me of that.