Devoted to chicks, a Yellow-crowned Night Heron

May 12, 2023, Mother's Day weekend

I got a peek at one of the four Yellow-crowned Night Heron chicks with its parent, a female. I took the photo just a few minutes after a feeding.

 That gaze! Oh my gosh. It made me smile.

And then it made me think of those who need our support. Just like the chicks, some are dependent on others for life-sustaining help. Like those homeless or near homeless in our community. If you haven't discovered the helpful goodness of Turning Points, here's a link describing one of Wonder Anew's projects. Too many families are homeless.

And in other communities. 

Here is a beautiful story of a woman once homeless, but no longer. Inspired by the birds in her life, she now makes and sells nesting houses to support herself. Photo and story credit: KGW.