Pond level lowest ever?

When I went outside to take a photo of the pond level, a male Pileated Woodpecker was also peeking out. May 15, 2023

Many notice the low pond level. I found a photo from June 21, 2021: 

Here is the pond today, May 15, 2023. What do you think? An advantage: I stepped down onto the pond edge and removed a large "Ian" branch.

This is another personality of the pond. Photo taken on August 31, 2016 (Hermine).

And here are a few recent photos from the neighborhood.

An idea about what might be going on: a male Northern Cardinal is keeping watch over a younger cardinal. It could simply be an adult male and female, but the way the male red hopped around in the Wedelia looking for the bird when it was in there makes me think it's a juvenile. 

The first photo, see them both? In the second photo - the younger bird is now in the butterfly garden tended by Jim and Betsy while the adult watches over it.

A Spoonbill Roseate (with an injured leg - is it the same one year to year?) and a companion Snowy Egret. Neighbor Susan sent a photo, too. We were looking out together!

An adult Opossum across the pond scurrying to take cover in the overgrowth. Some of you will say ick when you see one. It's one of my favorite animals. A marsupial that does not carry rabies and loves insects. Come to the butterfly garden, Opossum.

Last, the native Pink Milkweed is blooming!

A red Passionflower also blooms. That's an ant. Ants like flower nectar, too.